Tika Endeladze

Scientific Communications Officer

Tika graduated from the University of Bristol, with a BSc in Politics and Economics. Previously, Tika worked in mergers and acquisitions, where she worked in the Business Services and Technology teams.

As Scientific Communications Officer, Tika heads up Marketing and Business Development, where she is responsible for creating communications content for Virtus. She handles public relations, information output, press releases, social media and advertising.

Tika Endeladze

Scientific Communications Officer

Tika graduated from the University of Bristol, with a BSc in Politics and Economics. Previously, Tika worked in mergers and acquisitions, where she worked in the Business Services and Technology teams.

As Scientific Communications Officer, Tika heads up Marketing and Business Development, where she is responsible for creating communications content for Virtus. She handles public relations, information output, press releases, social media and advertising.

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